We need to give our hair just as much attention as we do our skin, and the same attention. Think about it...almost every product that is made for skin is made for our hair.
- Face Wash = Shampoo
- Moisturizer = Conditioner
- Face Mask = HAIR Masks
- Anti-Aging Cream = Repair and Shine Spray
- Exfoliants = Hair Brushes
- SPF = Thermal Protectant
Here are 3 of our favorite tips to give your hair it’s best life all year!

1. Stop Washing Your Hair Every Day
We’re no strangers to the phrase, “My hair gets greasy if I don’t wash it every day.” This is your scalp begging for a chance to breathe on its own. Your skin (including your scalp) will overproduce oils, resulting in greasy hair/skin if you’re washing it too much-- O.K. we know that can sound crazy, but it’s true. The oils that your scalp produces naturally are actually incredible for your hair. Don’t deny yourself of their powers!
Our Pregrame Shampoo is a mild cleanser, which doesn’t strip your hair of its essential oils and nutrients. Showoff Conditioner is designed to be applied from root to tip, moisturizing your scalp and hair evenly and not weighing your hair down.

The Power Couple was designed with the key essentials to take your hair and scalp health to the next level and letting your scalp develop those GOOD oils we all need. Both of these products were created without fillers that weigh your hair down. Basically, we’re giving you a FULL bag of chips, not a bag filled halfway with air ;)

2. Pre-Style with Care
What's the point of doing all the leg work of having healthy hair if it doesn’t look BOMB when you style it? The next step in achieving gorgeous silky hair is using a thermal protectant and blow-drying correctly. We tend to get lazy when it’s just us in our bathrooms getting ready, but ask yourself “Has my stylist ever asked me to flip my soaking wet head over and blow-dried from the bottom up?” More than likely, never…

Thermal protectant is the first thing that should be applied to your hair after you have ~gently~ towel dried it, ESPECIALLY Upstaged. This stuff is the Holy Grail of thermal protectants. It can replace products you’re already using AND it has aloe vera in it, which basically = gorgeous, shiny, beautiful, luscious you-name-it-amazing locks.
After you’ve applied Upstaged, brush it through with a detangling/gentle brush and get ready to blow dry. The best way to dry your hair is from the roots out, being conscious to not over dry your hair. Once it’s dry, it should be cool to the touch.
If your hair feels hot and very dry after blow-drying, take your heat setting down a notch, or don’t blow dry as long. If it isn’t cool/slightly warm to the touch that means you’ve already removed a lot of the essential moisture in maintaining a silky look. Good news is you have a new opportunity to restore your hair's moisture the next time you blow-dry!
Pro-tip: Blow-drying instead of air drying ensures all the proper moisture is locked in and it will take longer for your hair to get greasy, and your style will last longer! Click here for more tips for the perfect blow-dry.

3. Styling Damage Prevention
We focus on the above steps and care routine because, chances are, we are going to inevitably damage our hair though heat tools, UV/pollution exposure, and color treatments, and prevention matters most. BUT there are a few hacks to do less damage to your hair when styling it, and this starts with the TYME Iron Pro.
Our plates are designed to line up perfectly, meaning you’re applying heat to both sides of the hair at the same time, not frying one side in an attempt to heat the opposite side. Because of this, there is no need to clamp down on the iron, creating tension. The heat is evenly distributed giving you more control over your style and less need to “yank” your hair while styling. Without the need to clamp down tightly, you can pull through your hair with the iron quicker and more effectively, applying overall less direct heat to your hair.
The twisted design up the iron allows your hair to heat and cool into place, which means you don’t need to apply heat as long. Just one pass and your locks will have the curls of your dreams, and will still feel super shiny and silky!
At the end of the day, we don't have the time to waste on fussy, frizzy, flyaway hair. Putting in the effort to have amazing healthy hair reduces your time getting ready, meaning you get to sleep in way later, spend more time with your kids, or start the party sooner!
For more tips and hair tutorials, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Pinterest.